
Price list

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Landing Page design

There is a well-known proverb: "Meet on clothes." We mustered the courage to paraphrase: “Meet by design, see off by usability." The landing design has been changed since its inception. If the goal of an ideal landing page two years ago was just to sell a product, a good modern landing page should also be useful to its users.

from 2 days
from 800 USD
Online store (eCommerce) design

An online store with a unique design is a detailed and complex design style system that takes into account the specifics of the business niche and its customer's needs. Of course, you can find many ready-made templates and save time and money by not looking for specialists, but in this case, you will be unable to emphasize your brand's features and stand out among competitors.

from 8 days
from 2500 USD
Website redesign

Website redesign is a comprehensive project that involves more than just changing the website's design. This service allows you to improve the structure, functionality, and content in order to improve usability, in other words whether it is easy to use. Each owner has his or her own motivation for redesigning the site. Redesign is usually needed when it becomes clear that the site is out of date and needs to be updated.

from 3 days
from 1000 USD
Custom website design

A high-quality, impressive tailored website design is easy to remember, it emphasizes the company's competitive advantages, and it lacks intrusive elements. This significantly helps to promote a brand on the Internet and has a positive effect on customer loyalty. A custom website design is critical for a commercial company. An effective site design should draw and keep visitors' attention while not detracting from the content.

from 5 days
from 1800 USD
Mobile applications UX/UI design

"Design is more than just how something looks and feels. It`s how it works too." The design of mobile applications is critical in the creation of a service. Users value functionality and usefulness above all else, but if the design is unappealing or makes the application difficult to use, it will be deleted immediately.

from 10 days
from 3100 USD
CRM systems UX/UI design

CRM implementation success determines the quality of customer management and assists in working harmoniously, quickly, and without "forgotten" deals. As a result, CRM, like any other program for operational business management, must meet three major requirements: achieve the goal in the shortest period of time, be as convenient as possible, and save labor costs. Remember that the key to successful implementation is a combination of expert use of functionality + data integrity and unification. Then any interface will be much more user-friendly.

from 20 days
from 5400 USD

Design and analysis in web design

Website usability analysis

The issue with modern resources is that the user is constantly asking himself/herself questions such as: Where am I? What exactly am I doing here? How do I find out what interests me?

Site usability is accountable for logic, navigation clarity, and a practical interface.

In other words it is about how easy for a visitor to use. No matter how much traffic there is, if the usability is not well developed, there will be no sales.

~2 days
~ 600 USD
Site prototyping

This is the foundation that allows you to see how all of the elements on the page will look eventually: content, functionality, and interactives. In other words, this is a rough sketch of the project upon which the future resource will be built. The primary goal of any website prototyping is to preview the appearance of the page, as well as to test its functionality and usability. As a result, it is a so-called reference point that enables developers to qualitatively adjust the work of the resource and understand the outcome.

~4 days
~ 1200 USD
Development design concept

This is a preview of the site's future design. You can easily create goals and a workflow based on the design concept. The concept helps in the formulation of design tasks, which determine the appearance and style of graphics, color palette, and the presence and placement of other visual objects on the site.

~2 days
~ 800 USD
Site visualization

This is a visual representation of a web resource in the works. Its goal is to demonstrate the functionality and appearance of the site in order to answer two main questions:

1) Will users find the site appealing?

2) Will the site be easy to navigate through and use?

The answers to these questions should be positive for successful business development following website visualization. Visualization simply assists in bringing the site to the point where it fully meets all requirements.

~4 days
~ 1200 USD

Web development

Online shop (eCommerce)

Web development

Galaxy IT currently has several options for developing an online shop, with varying development costs.

Individual online shop development on the framework

Galaxy IT builds online stores based on the Laravel framework. You can create an online store of any complexity thanks to Laravel.

Included in the cost:
  • Acquaintance with your company/businessFree/2 days
  • Compilation of a site visual map~135 USD/~1 day
  • Prototyping~900 USD/~3 days
  • Individual technical task developmentfrom 600 USD/from 2 days
  • Presentations of three variations of your future website's main page~900 USD/~3 days
  • Design of all internal online store pages~2200 USD/~8 days
  • Design of the site's mobile version (if necessary)~650 USD/~4 days
  • Layout design that is responsive and cross-browser compatible~2500 USD/~10 days
  • Coding for an online storefrom 20 000 USD/from 3 months
  • Final testing of the website's functionality~2000 USD/~10 days
  • Online store launching400 USD/2 days
~5 months
~ 30 000 USD
Individual online store development on CMS

Galaxy IT creates online stores using the CMS OpenCart. Today, the OpenCart platform powers over 300,000 websites on the internet. It is one of the most popular CMSs for online stores in the world. It placed third in the ranking, trailing only OSCommerce, ZenCart, and Shopify.

Included in the cost:
  • Acquaintance with your company/businessFree/2 days
  • Compilation of a site visual map~135 USD/~1 day
  • Prototyping~900 USD/~3 days
  • Individual technical task developmentfrom 600 USD/from 2 days
  • Presentations of three variations of your future website's main page~900 USD/~3 days
  • Design of all internal online store pages~2200 USD/~8 days
  • Design of the site's mobile version (if necessary)~650 USD/~4 days
  • Layout design that is responsive and cross-browser compatible~2500 USD/~10 days
  • Coding for an online storefrom 8000 USD/from 2 months
  • Final testing of the website's functionality~2000 USD/~10 days
  • Online store launching400 USD/2 days
~4 months
~ 18 000 USD

Landing page

Web development

This is a one-page site that allows you to break into the world of Internet space and imagine yourself as an organization that keeps up with the times!

Depending on your goals, Landing Page development is possible with or without an admin panel.

Personal Landing Page development with an admin panel

One big benefit of a landing page with an admin panel is that you can easily edit the page's content by yourself.

Included in the cost:
  • Landing Page Prototyping~135 USD/1 day
  • Unique design development~600 USD/~2 days
  • Adaptive and cross-browser layout~900 USD/~3 days
  • Coding admin panel~1800 USD/~10 days
  • Hosting50 USD/1 day
~1 month
~ 3 400 USD
Personal Landing Page development without an admin panel

A landing page without an admin panel is an excellent addition to the main site or a cost-effective tool for testing new business niches.

Included in the cost:
  • Landing Page Prototyping~135 USD/1 day
  • Making a one-of-a-kind design~600 USD/~2 days
  • Mobile-friendly and cross-browser layout~900 USD/~3 days
  • Hosting50 USD/1 day
~2 weeks
~ 1 600 USD

Corporate website

Web development

The Galaxy IT web agency offers several options for developing a corporate website, and the cost of development is determined by which option is chosen.

Personal development of a corporate business card site

A great option for young businesses that already know their target audience and want to launch a website as a startup. As a rule, such a resource is quite small, consisting of several pages or a single page. It includes basic information about the company, contact information, and a feedback form. It may contain brief information about goods or services, as well as a suggestion to download a price.

A corporate business card website has the advantage of evolving in tandem with the company's growth. It can be expanded with new sections, functions, categories, and tools.This will be an added bonus for customers, especially those who have previously seen the site - with its assistance, trust will be significantly strengthened, as the company's development can be seen with the naked eye.

Included in the cost:
  • Corporate website prototyping~550 USD/2 days
  • Making a one-of-a-kind designfrom 1800 USD/from 10 days
  • Mobile-friendly and cross-browser designfrom 1800 USD/from 10 days
  • Administration panel codingfrom 4500 USD/from 15 days
  • Hosting200 USD/1 day
~2 months
~ 8 800 USD
Personal development of a corporate catalog site

On such sites you can see detailed information about goods or services, but no ordering or communication functions with company managers are available. This type of corporate website is appropriate for businesses that do not have the ability to set actual product prices. For example, if the product is purchased in foreign currency, it is impossible to set a price due to constant fluctuations in the exchange rate; products are sold on an individual basis based on the client's specifications.

Included in the cost:
  • Acquaintance with your company/businessFree/2 days
  • Site visual map compilation~135 USD/~1 day
  • Prototyping~650 USD/~3 days
  • Individual technical task developmentfrom 300 USD/from 2 days
  • Presentation of 3 variants of the main page of your future website~750 USD/~2 days
  • Design of all internal pages of the corporate websitefrom 2500 USD/ from 8 days
  • Design of the mobile version of the site (if necessary)~900 USD/~4 days
  • Responsive and cross-browser layout layout design~2000 USD/~10 days
  • Coding of a corporate websitefrom 5000 USD/from 2 months
  • Final testing of the functionality of the entire site~2000 USD/~10 days
  • Corporate website launching400 USD/2 days
~4 months
~ 14 500 USD
~6 months
~ 20 000 USD

Fully functional corporate site

Web development

A fully functional corporate site may include an internal resource (CRM system) intended for employee business communication, which is located solely on the company's servers, as well as the public part of the site - the company's information site, which is accessible to Internet users - the company's potential customers.

You can order two parts of a fully functional website from the "Galaxy IT" company, as well as separately with future refinement.
Corporate site as an information site of the company

A corporate site, as an information site of a company, is typically all kinds of catalogs with a list of goods and a description of services provided by the company, news and information blocks, and complete company information.

Included in the cost:
  • Acquaintance with your company/businessFree/2 days
  • Site visual map compilation~135 USD/~1 day
  • Prototyping~900 USD/~3 days
  • Individual technical task developmentfrom 600 USD/from 2 days
  • Presentation of 3 variants of the main page of your future website~750 USD/~2 days
  • Design of all internal corporate website pages~2500 USD/~8 days
  • Design of the site's mobile version (if necessary)~900 USD/~4 days
  • Layout design that is mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible~2500 USD/~10 days
  • Corporate website developmentfrom 5000 USD/from 2 months
  • Final testing of the site's functionality~2000 USD/~10 days
  • Corporate website launching400 USD/2 days
~3 month
~ 15 500 USD
Corporate website as an internal resource

A corporate website, as an internal resource for employee business communication, is a highly complex software product that can include:

Included in the cost:
  • Under the condition of ordering only an internal resource, the price includes similar items for the development of an information site
An internal resource can include the following standard sections, to choose from:
  • Personal section of the employeefrom 500 USD/from 2 days
  • Section for business communicationfrom 3000 USD/from 1 month
  • Internal company newsfrom 1800 USD/from 8 days
  • Schedule of corporate eventsfrom 1800 USD/from 8 days
  • The possibility of setting tasks from the higher levels of the corporate hierarchy to the lower onesfrom 4500 USD/from 1 month
  • Time management modulefrom 9000 USD/from 2 months
  • File storage with delimitation of access for the organization of simple and, at the same time, protected document flow4000 USD/1 month
Or you can offer your own version
~12 months
~ 40 000 USD

HTML layout

Web development

Galaxy IT is a web agency that uses the PUG preprocessor and front-end assembler for HTML layout, which naturally improves the level of layout in terms of code cleanliness and quality, the absence of duplicates and unused code.

Website layout from scratch

Website layout is the most important stage in the process of creating a website. The ease of use of the website for both the owner and users depends on the correctness of its creation. A logical conclusion follows from this: a well-written layout attracts a larger audience, thereby increasing the efficiency of business.

We use the Gulp front-end assembler, SCSS and PUG preprocessors for layout, and NPM Dependency Manager.

Included in the price:
  • Responsive/mobile-friendly and cross-browser layout
  • Use of current versions of libraries
  • Fast loading and failure-free operating because all files are hosted locally
The cost of layout depends on the type of website and the number of pages:
  • Landing Pagefrom 800 USD/from 2 days
  • Corporate websitefrom 1800 USD/from 10 days
  • Online shopfrom 2500 USD/from 10 days
  • CRM systemsfrom 2500 USD/from 10 days
2-12 days
~ 900 - 2500 USD
Website layout audit

Website layout audit is an examination of the web page for compliance with search engine requirements. Using this service, you can detect and eliminate mistakes made during the layout creation process in real time.

An audit of the finished layout can reveal common errors such as:
  • using the incorrect tag;
  • using unwanted characters in links;
  • gaps in mandatory attributes;
  • using comments that take up a lot of space, increase the size of the page, and slow down loading;
  • incorrect indexing of technical blocks, the code of which has no effect on the website's relevance.
~2 days
~ 450 USD
Layout of the site for the NFT project

Every day in the modern world, new trends gain popularity among active Internet users. One of them is NFT projects development that generate substantial revenue for their creators. The Galaxy IT team can help you with a layout for an NFT project. We are skilled at writing high-quality HTML code that will help NFT website work properly and attract users.

For layout, we use the Gulp front-end assembler, SCSS, and PUG preprocessors. Dependency Manager (NPM).

Included in the price:
  • Responsive/mobile-friendly and cross-browser layout
  • Use of current versions of libraries
  • Fast loading and failure-free operating because all files are hosted locally
~3 days
~ 1 000 USD
Mobile application layout

The process of designing mobile applications is essentially the same as designing websites. The only difference is that it only applies to mobile applications created with special tools. They enable you to configure the application so that all elements appear correctly on different devices.

For layout, we use the Gulp front-end assembler, SCSS, and PUG preprocessors. Dependency Manager (NPM).

We create layouts for the most popular mobile operating systems today:
  • Application layout for iOS.
  • Application layout for Android.
~8 days
~ 2 000 USD

IT projects development

Web development

In the development of high-quality IT projects we provide only profitable solutions.

CRM system development

The first step toward effective business management and high profit is ordering crm development. Working with any counterparty from the outside world, whether a client, partner, supplier, or any other person who interacts with the company, is possible with the functionality of a modern CRM. Galaxy IT web agency understands how to create a high-quality system.

CRM System Varieties:
  • For eCommerce
  • For sales administration
  • For improvement of the internal processes of the company
  • For automatization of all internal company processes
  • For project and document management, collaborative work
You can also provide your own version.
from 3 months
from 15 000 USD
Web application development

Galaxy IT web agency can create a high-quality web application to help you run your business or manage your home systems. If you already have an online store and need a calculator or designer, our company will gladly create the required web application for you.

Web application types include:
  • parameterized price calculator
  • designer of choice (product) with dynamic visual element change
  • web chat
  • control system for external device control (for example, a bio fireplace control system, a fuel truck tracking system, a home control system, etc.)
You can also provide your own version.
from 2 months
from 4 000 USD


One-time SEO services

Free website analysis

The primary goal of the mini-analysis is to comprehend the current state of your website. This is a cursory examination of the website based on key points for effective promotion.

Following the mini-audit, the client will receive a brief plan of work on the site and will be able to determine where to begin and where to proceed.

2-3 hours
Analysis of competitors' websites

Why do you need competitors` research?

A detailed competitor analysis enables you to create a detailed promotion plan, employ effective methods, and save money on what you don't have to do.

from 6 hours
from 350 USD
Technical website audit

A good site may not attract visitors if it contains numerous technical errors - errors on the server side, errors in the code.

Such sites are not recognized by the search engine and are not displayed to users. A technical audit will help you identify your resource's "weaknesses" and make it search engine friendly.

from 6 hours
from 350 USD
Website usability audit

The issue with modern resources is that the user is constantly asking himself questions such as: Where am I? What exactly am I doing here? How do I find out what piques my interest?

Site usability is accountable for logic, navigation clarity, and a practical interface.

In general, the site's usability is responsible for the resource's ease of use.

No matter how much traffic there is, if the usability is not well developed, there will be no sales.

from 3 hours
from 200 USD
SEO audit of the site

Are you working on your site 24/7, but still not in the TOP of search results?

An SEO audit helps you understand why this is happening.

SEO-audit of the site is an analysis of the site for compliance with the requirements of search engines. The assessment of the current positions of the resource is carried out. It is described that it is necessary to increase the target transitions (not just transitions, but sales as well) from search engines.

from 10 hours
from 600 USD
Comprehensive site audit (includes all audits)

A comprehensive site audit is a detailed examination of the current state of the website.

Solutions discovered during a comprehensive audit help to eliminate existing errors and increase traffic and sales to your website.

A comprehensive audit includes:

  • Competitors' sites analysis
  • Technical site audit
  • Usability site audit
  • SEO site audit
from 3 days
from 1 500 USD
Site's semantic core building

Semantic core is phrases made up of word combinations that describe the type of activity, product, or service.

For example, when you search for a mobile phone on Google, you will almost certainly type "buy + company and model of the device" in the search line. This key phrase forms part of the semantic core.

You can write an interesting text, but if the semantic core is missing or incorrectly assembled, you will not be able to reach the top of the search.

from 2 days
from 700 USD
Complete site preparation for launching

Complete preparation of the site for the LAUNCHING is a set of works aimed at the result and profitability from the start.

At the development stage, it is easier and cheaper to adjust the resource to SEO requirements than to make changes to a completely ongoing website.

more accurate information will be provided after filling out the questionnaire
from 2 300 USD

Service packages


SEO promotion of the site is actions that are carried out systematically, taking into account the intermediate results.

The main goal of site promotion in the Google search engine is to get customers to your business at a lower price than from contextual advertising and social networks.


The "Easy Start" Package
min х6
Increasing the number of visitors to your site
in 12

from 900 USD/month

(10 800 USD upon payment per year)

Pay an annual subscription and get a 20% discount.

The monthly cost of the tariff plan with a discount is from 720 USD


The "Turbo mode" Package
min х6
Increasing the number of visitors to your site
in 6

from 1 800 USD/month

(21 600 USD upon payment per year)

Pay an annual subscription and get a 10% discount.

The monthly cost of the tariff plan with a discount is from 1 620 USD

Comparison of SEO packages

The list of services:
The "Easy start"
The "Turbo mode"
Comprehensive website audit (includes 4 audits)
in 1 month
in 1 month
Individual strategy development for the promotion of your site
in 1 month
in 1 month
Compilation of technical specifications for correcting technical errors on the website
in 1 month
in 1 month
Building of the site's semantic core
in 1 month
in 1 month
Elimination of duplicate web pages (compilation of detailed technical specifications of the programmer)
in 2 months
in 1 month
Settings of the robots.txt and Sitemap.xml file (if changed by the programmer - technical specifications of the programmer)
in 2 months
in 1 month
Adding the company to Google maps (if the company has an actual address), Google My Business
in 2 months
in 1 month
Setting up the web analytics code of Google. Webmaster codes
in 2 months
in 1 month
Competent linking of pages
in 2 months
in 1 month
Page-by-page keyword clustering
from the 2nd month
in 1 month
The list of services:
The "Easy start"
The "Turbo mode"
Work with content for promoted pages (compilation of technical specifications, checking of texts for compliance with technical specifications, publication)
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Checking the site for possible filters and bans
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Checking the HTML code and technical specifications to eliminate possible problems
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Analysis of competitors (5 websites including analysis of structure, content, link strategy)
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Control of execution of technical specifications, addition of new tasks once other errors will be detected
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Internal optimization of the site (completion of title, description, alt meta tags, elimination of identified duplicates)
from the 3rd month
from the 2nd month
Buying links
from the 4th month
from the 2nd month
Selection and placement of links. (Mention of the brand in comments, mass media, thematic website - 10 pieces)
from the 4th month
from the 2nd month
Recommendations for site development
from the 4th month
from the 2nd month
Adjusting the semantic core of your site
from the 4th month
from the 2nd month

One-time services

Contextual advertising (PPC)
Contextual advertising

When keywords are entered into the search box or search engine, it appears in the form of text or product ads with the title and mandatory tag "Advertisement" in Google search results.

Its effectiveness is determined by two factors:

The subject of the announcements must be completely relevant to the target audience's interests.

Keywords must be chosen carefully.

As a result, the visitor to the web resource receives a relevant response to his request, and the advertiser receives a potential client and the opportunity to sell his product or service quickly.

from 10 hours
from 500 USD
Media advertising (CMN)

The majority of the information is presented graphically, with a text description and an active hyperlink to the advertiser's website. The main goal is to get the target audience's attention, get them to know the company's brand, product, or service, and increase brand recognition. Its effectiveness is determined by the correct definition of the target audience and the quality of the content's presentation. This is made easier by the ability to tailor advertising to socio-demographic indicators such as financial and marital status, interests, profession, and others.

As a result, media advertising is noticed and taken seriously.

from 4 hours
from 200 USD

Users who have previously expressed interest in the company, its brand, product, and service are influenced. The primary benefits are:

Increase your conversion rate. A reminder of the product will draw attention and work as a call to action.

Offer personalization. Advertising is directed at a specific segment of the target audience and is distributed based on site activity.

Increasing brand recognition. If the company's name is repeatedly displayed in front of the client's eyes, it will be remembered.

With the right customer interaction strategy, remarketing can be an effective tool for brand promotion.

from 2 hours
from 100 USD
Video advertising (YouTube advertising)

This is an efficient way of promoting a company and its brand on the Internet, increasing recognition, attracting the target audience, and increasing sales.

There are such benefits: a large audience coverage; a better demonstration of the product or service; the ability to configure targeting; a versatility of use; and a large selection of formats.

Effective advertising should aim to satisfy the interests of the target audience while also keeping up with current trends.

You can use Google advertising to broadcast videos on YouTube and partner sites, as well as in applications and mobile site banners.

from 5 hours
from 300 USD
Mobile applications advertising

An effective tool for promoting a mobile application in Google Ads, with the following main benefits:

Display your ad on mobile devices to attract your target audience. When a user is interested, he or she is directed to the application page in the store.

Automation of processes. The system handles showings, targeting, and creative creation. Specialists only need to add ad elements such as text, image, and video.

Ads appear in search, YouTube, KMN, and Google Play.

You can obtain high-quality advertising quickly and affordably.

from 5 hours
from 300 USD
Merchandise advertising (Google Shopping)

Google Ads advertising is displayed in the form of a gallery with product images and descriptions.


The request's relevance. Users who have previously searched for a product will see advertisements.

Demonstration of product and pricing.

Immediate start of sales. Properly set up advertising yields quick results.

Search results are displayed on the top or aside, attracting more clicks.

Plain text is less appealing than visual creativity.

The advertisement appears in Google search results, YouTube, partner sites, and in the Google Shopping tab.

from 10 hours
from 500 USD

Service packages

Contextual advertising (PPC)
The "Start" Package

Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses to increase conversions, sales, increasing brand awareness

  • Qualitative business analysis
  • Running contextual search advertising
  • Basic Google Analytics setup
  • Testing the effectiveness of the advertising campaign
650 USD/month (-15%)
765 USD/month
The "Optimal" Package

Suitable for catalog sites, online stores, corporate sites, B2B sites, B2C services to increase traffic, sales and brand awareness

  • Qualitative business analysis
  • Development of an effective advertising strategy
  • Setting up and running advertising campaigns
  • Google Analytics settings
  • Regular reporting
  • Monitoring and optimization
1 275 USD/month (-15%)
1 500 USD/month
The "Maximum" Package

Suitable for large online stores, niche leaders, well-known brands to increase traffic, sales and brand awareness

  • Qualitative business analysis
  • Detailed analysis of competitors and preparation of reports on each competitor
  • Development of an effective advertising strategy
  • Setting up and running advertising campaigns
  • Google Analytics settings
  • Regular reporting
  • Recommendations for increasing the conversion of site landing pages
1 400 USD/month (-20%)
1 750 USD/month

Graphic design

Brand development

Graphic design
Logo design

The primary goal of developing a company logo is to identify the company or trademark. A logo is a colorful, short, and emotional story about your company's mission, ideology, values, and product/service. The logo represents the brand and serves as a guarantee of the company's quality and dependability. An illustration, an inscription, a symbol, or a combination of these elements can be used to represent the logo.

from 2 days
from 700 USD
Corporate style development

First off, corporate style is a collection of graphic, color, and text elements that work together to produce a comprehensive visual representation of the company, its products, or services. The building of a coherent visual framework employing individual style elements, such as color, font, templates, and graphics, is considered as the development of a corporate style.

from 3 days
from 850 USD
Brandbook development

This is a series of steps intended to create the primary internal corporate document, which will include all brand-related information, positioning strategy, and guidelines for using graphic and visual elements. The management of the business needs a brand book to track business growth, marketers need one to build up an ad campaign, and designers need one to create the brand's exterior.

from 3 days
from 850 USD

Advertising creativity

Graphic design
Catalog design

Galaxy IT web agency recommends purchasing a catalog design if you want to creatively display your business, its goods, and services. With expertise in design and marketing, we have completed projects of varying complexity effectively. Order the catalog and confirm our professionalism!

from 5 days
from 1 400 USD
Company`s letterhead design

We advise you to buy the creation of a letterhead from the Galaxy IT web agency if you want to foster a positive perception of your business in the minds of clients and business partners. Our experts approach each order professionally, have a wealth of real-world experience, and are skilled in marketing and design. Order a design from us to ensure the best possible work for you!

from 3 hours
from 150 USD
Business card design

It is difficult to imagine the modern business world without using business cards, because they provide numerous benefits. And, in order for them to fulfill their important role in promoting the company, its products, and services, we recommend ordering business card design from the Galaxy IT web agency. Our specialists approach each order individually, demonstrating maximum creativity and professionalism.

from 5 hours
from 250 USD
E-mail template design

We advise ordering an e-mail template design if you want to catch the target audience's eye and draw in new clients.

Our experts have a wealth of practical experience, a deep understanding of marketing and graphic design, are conversant with current trends, and are proficient with current software and technology. To ensure professionalism, get an email template.

from 2 hours
from 100 USD

Our contacts

Phone number:
Work time:
Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m (GMT-4)
USA Cleveland, OH
Select the subject of the message
UI/UX design
Web development
Graphic design
Your message